‘They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied’.
Psalms 37:19
God provides!
God is a provider; he always makes a way for our needs to be met. You must settle it in your heart and go forth trusting that provision will be made.
It is also important that we train our children to trust God to provide even when in dire situations. I remember the days I would prophesy over the empty cartons in my kitchen and the empty freezer, asking God to fill it. Then, I come back to the same cartons and freezer thanking God for filling them.
I remember a particular Christmas period where there was not much to eat even basic meals, I cried out to God and he taught me trust that season. Nearly everything we ate came to us. God sent us everything in miraculous ways.
We didn’t need to beg or embarrass ourselves instead we had enough to give out to others. It was simply amazing watching God provide. We were serenaded by the love of God! Whenever I remember that season I always smile and can tell anyone that God is real! He provides!
Father, I thank you because you are the Great Provider. I am especially grateful that it is your good pleasure to give me good gifts.
Lord, I receive all that you have for me and my family in this season in Jesus name.
Father, give me the grace to trust you with childlike faith.
Holy Spirit, remove anxiety and fear from my financial life in Jesus name. Amen.
Take time to meditate on how God provided in miraculous ways for his children in the bible. It will unlock something in you.
Prayer Moment
Challenge yourself to trust God in the time of need. Never go beg a person to meet your needs. Table it to God first, he will open the hearts of systems, men, organizations to bring provision your way.
Father, help me to always fix my eyes on you as my provider.
Help me to see beyond every provision, God who provided and help me to acknowledge you in Jesus name. Amen